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This game is actually very good I assume it's one of your first projects? Yet it's so well made I can see you've put a lot of dedication in details I'm actually very curious on how you've made reflections in mirrors; if I can give you just a small piece of advice, in the INN where the main character finds Quexp I'd put the circle to enter on the street and not on the roof but the rest is so awesome this game was totally what I ned after work, keep it up!

(6 edits)

Hey there and thanks for trying it out!  You're right about it being my first project.  Well, I did a couple of forum challenges but I consider this my first real game.

I started it un June 2020 as a practice project to learn stuff but kept putting my friend (Justin) in it as a joke and would send him clips.   One night, at work, I asked him what the theme would be if he were the main character in a game. His answer was "I don't know, how did get a good beer?".  I ended up shifting gears and making him the main character and added some friends in as different NPC's.  Haha!  I'm not a great storyteller but the game is full of inside didn't expect anyone from the public to take interest.  WHEW - I'm just blabbing now so on to your feedback. 

I like the idea of moving the INN entry hint circle so will change that.  I used TSR-Mirror to experiment with the mirror reflection.  It took a bit of tinkering but it was a lot of fun.  It's not bad if you're comfortable with GIMP/Photoshop (as you'll need to edit the transparency of the mirror part of the tile).  That plugin is by The Northern Frog; here's the link for it:

Thanks again for checking out JustiGame!  I'll have a downloadable Windows version available once I feel my project is stable enough.  Have a great weekend and enjoy your beer!  :)