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I wonder if there will be a written non-spoiler walkthrough of Lily's Well at some point for people who are really stuck on the game, but don't want to resort to watching a let's play of the game.

I thoroughly love the experience, so far I've only managed to get enough good rope to get 9 sets of flowers to spawn. Missing a location or a set of tasks to do that allows me to discover the remaining two possible ropes (13/15) that I can't find.

I also can't get the blood footprints to spawn in the woods in the map above the mailbox, along with that I fed the animal the jerky, but nothing changes in the game when you do that, looked everywhere and done multiple playthroughs afterwards, though nothing appears, changes or happens from the action of giving the jerky.

Found Alt End 1, along with the endings you get from having 1-9 ropes found, the visual aesthetics of Lily's Well is absolutely fantastic, along with the game being a genuinely eerie experience. From reaching the plant life, to the various outcomes that awaits for Lily is something bold that I have not seen in games like this for a long time.

From the game's synopsis, there are 13 endings in total, but from a video uploaded by ManlyBadassHero, there are 17 endings in total. Uncertain if 13 was a mistype, but hypothetically if one was told that there are this many endings in the game, then find out that there are more after completing through the game, then that feels a little bit of a kicker.

Bugs in the game I found: 1. The key's sprite when you are in the kitchen off the stool is still there when you pick it up. 2. The knife can be repicked up after using it on the memorial, uncertain if the knife has another purpose. 3. Unique to people who are recording gameplay, unlike other games, Lily's Well takes up a huge amount of hard drive space. I ended up having over 70GB of footage within the space of 2 hours.

Looking forward to playing more of this game and sharing my experience once I'm able to get all 10 normal endings, all 3 secret endings (along with the 4 unstated endings that Manly discovered). Thank you PureIceBlue and have a lovely day! ^o^


Thoroughly loved playing through the sections of the game that I covered, some secrets are too elusive for me to find including the true ending! ^o^