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I'm sorry for what I will say now but i want to take it out of my heart. sooo... 

maaan this game is fucking amazing!!! what the hill?? it's just needs the king of the dead to rise his hand and wake up the dead.this is awesome!!! and the new hitman girl😂. this!!! isss!! fuckinnnng!! awwwwwesome!! thanks for this art man really thanks. i didn't get excited like this over a game!! 

just want to tell you my brother!! i don't know if you have difficult problems in your life but don't worry!! your hand!! will get you over it like what she did with this art! we are your friends. we believe in your talents. you can do whatever you want if you focus on it. that's it. and thank you another time fore this art! I'm looking forward to the next update. 

Haha thank you Shan! 
I'm glad you liked it so much!