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(1 edit)

This is a failure on my part - I did actually know this was a shcool project, but appear to have forgotten while writing the above comment, hence the "prototype" remark, which I now do feel pretty bad about. Thank you for reminding me.

I have played other games made under similar conditions, and I did not mean to disrespect the educational process or the work of the team - I apologize if it came off that way. 

I don't know the details of development personally, only what I experienced as a player, and if anything any disappointment I have comes from wanting to see more of the world and story that was created, but finding it difficult to do so in the current state.

 There really is a lot I like here, and I really would love to see an updated, polished version should the team choose to do so. Either way, I wish everyone the best.

Hi again Eshbaal, 

Thank you for your reply. I only read your comment as very enthusiastic and I'm sure the team will read it like that as well! I sent your comment to the producer of the team and he found it very useful, so I am sure it is good feedback whether or not they choose to move on. :) 

Thank you again for taking your time playing their game! The team will love you for that. Please do keep on playing DADIU's games and send your constructive feedback, if you have any.

All the best, 

Coordinator at DADIU