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Hello! You have made a great script, man. The movement is very smooth, the code itself is quite minimal and performant. Very well done. I bought this and have been using it for a few days, great job!

I have one complaint/question though. When using your script to move my objects, I don't get any collisions events firing at all. Digging around your script I'm guessing it's because you move the object out of collisions before GMS registers anything?

If I'm doing something wrong, can you please give me a pointer?
And if it's a missing feature, would it be a lot of trouble to ask you to please add it?

Thank you for your time!

Yeah, no collision events will fire.  Collision events fire if you are inside an object between the step event and the end step event, and the purpose of this script is to not be inside an object by the end of the script.

Now the script returns true or false based on whether the object's movement has been halted by an object... that may not be useful to you depending on your situation, but there's almost always a way to do what you want without using collision events.

For the record: I never use collision events past the prototyping stage 99% of the time, and even then only in the most basic, simple of situations for objects that the player can walk through.

For help with your specific situation, it's probably best to head over to the discord server.  Much easier to get live help there to get you fixed up and moving forward sooner.