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Foe eyes I'll most likely scan for both RedEyes and EyesR.  I'm already scanning for BlueSkin and SkinB.  

Per question above, when/if I add Eyes,  for any ambiguity,  color without qualifier == hair.  If qualifier, then it's not hair but whatever the qualifier is.

RedRedEyes.png = Red Hair Red Eyes
RedHairRedEyes.png = Red Hair Red Eyes
RedEyes.png = Red Eyes
Red.png = Red hair
BrownBrownSkin.png = Brown Hair Brown Skin

I could also add alternative tags, but <color>Eyes is the simplest to implement.

Any way you can make a mod that adds equipment to random encounters? and if that's a thing, can you add tags for said equipment type? (ie. Armor, Maid/butler outfit, etc) that way, if you find someone you fight that has said eqiup, it set's to portrait? on random slave spawn? or w/e?