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Aaaaah! I remember finding your first game, Saccharine, on Newgrounds many years ago-- and absolutely loving it. Every so often, that game would pop back up in my brain and I'd have to go replay it. The way you've precariously balanced love and obsession and death within your games has always been so fascinating to me, and it's so so amazing to see how far you've come with ITYH!





The writing, the plot twists, the characterization of Camille and Osgoode are all really wonderfully done (as many have said already!). But one thing I especially enjoyed was your use of player choices. Constantly cycling through exercise, bathing, sharpening, and sleeping without any way to tell how much time has passed was quite immersive and maddening (in the BEST way). Same with how time was marked by the number of times he's stopped playing the piano-- I didn't realize how grounding that music was until it was gone, and I truly felt the psychological toll of Osgoode's absence on Camille. Overall, I think you toyed with the otome format in wonderful and immersive ways.

Also uhhh I cannot get over ending 9?? I'm so sad that we didn't get to see more of that! It was such a sweet way of wrapping them up-- this idea that it was just the wrong place, wrong time, and maybe they have a better shot at a healthy relationship now that they're older, possibly more independent, and ~surviving in a post apocalyptic world~. And a long-haired Osgoode... yes please!

Thank you for another wonderful story, Amiralo! And Happy New Years!


Awww thank you for your continuous support!

Happy New Years to you too! There will be a short story continuing from ending 9 in the future, so look forward to it haha.