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The aesthetic of this game is extremely unique, replacing textures with text makes sure there's no ures but also allows for things to stick out a lot more with bright colors. I'll admit I actually kind of preferred the map when it was just black and white? The red guns and bright yellow/green would've made them really contrast with the dark greys and whites. But that's just IMO.

It feels like there's a lot you can add on to this, especially in regards to how the game feels. At the moment, enemies don't really react when you hit them, the guns don't really react a lot when they're being shot, and even dying just happens spontaneously and suddenly.

Shout-outs to Wilhelm, though.

I don't mean to try and degrade this, though. Making everything in 7 days is extremely hard and you've got a really nice foundation for something with this! If I had to say one thing that I wanted from this, it would absolutely just be MOAR

Thanks so much for the feedback. I agree wholeheartedly with the game feel comments. But as you mention, making a game in 7 days is hard enough: I did this in 6 evenings while working a full time software dev job during the day. I appreciate the time you've taken to write the feedback and I'll give MOAR, eventually.