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Huh, that’s weird, I seem to remember hearing otherwise at some point… and actually, now I’m looking into it, I did in fact find a reply from you (from 9 months ago, but still) saying there would be romance options. Is this just something that got scrapped really early on, or…?

Could you link me to that reply? I honestly cannot remember. TwT

But either way, the original plan was to have dedicated endings for each character, with the one you had the most "points" with being the ending you got. These endings weren't supposed to be romantic in nature and were merely meant to show how the characters' relationships evolved after the end of the novel.

Right here:

Oh, dear... I definitely used words there that I wasn't supposed to use TwT

What I meant was that every character had their own unique ending depending on your choices, though it wasn't to be interpreted as romantic. Obviously, that's a little hard to do when I literally use that word myself TwT

Thanks for pointing this out, and apologies for the confusion. I hope you'll keep enjoying this story in spite of the absence of romance! ^w^