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(1 edit) (+4)

Very excited for the full game to come out!  I really enjoyed playing the new demo although I did notice what seems to potentially be an error with pronouns during the scene where the characters and player are changing outfits.  My character was referred to as they instead of she, and while I personally use she/they pronouns so I don't take issue with it, but since I could only select she/her, I think that might be a mistake. 

I also found that the volume control options were a little weird?  Having to repeatedly click in order to adjust by ten percent increments is a little clunky and doesn't seem to adjust the volume very significantly until it's just completely silent.  I assume that this will be potentially adjusted in the full game, like the implementation of a save feature though. 

Also, are there any plans to give the player any customization outside of name and pronouns such as heights or any other descriptive features?  I understand if that might be a little much, but it would be a nice way to make each playthrough a little more unique.