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Glad to hear that overall you enjoyed it :D

Regarding the C+DOWN, I learned the lesson (will just write C+DOWN next time). I wanted to make the trade offers with the planets be opt in... as in you go near a planet and press C to initiate a contact with it... but I sort of ran out of time, so I just made it so that it automatically offers you something every short time... I also made the player ship stop upon any sort of events, because when I was testing the game I used to get a random event while mining metals or collecting gas, and then after the events I would crash into the planet I was near because I couldn't stop fast enough xD I need to find a better solution for that... maybe no events can appear when an enemy is near would be a good idea.

You were very close to finishing it by the way! The jump that requires 50 gas is the final jump in the game currently.

Thanks for your feedback, I hope to get a chance to improve it and make a post-jam version :)