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I would be fascinating to have an almost Metroidvania inspired experience with a pipe turning exploration game.

Things like:

  • Some pieces only turning 180º unless you had a power up to make it turn 90º.
  • Certain levels having tiles that affect the tiles around them when turned and a glue power up that could make pieces stick for X amount of turns.
  • Immovable tiles - or locked tiles that would require a key/bomb.
  • The ability to replace a tile with another one - a tile stash - or even use the concept of the original Pipe Mania where pipe pieces are supplied to the player.
  • The requirement to connect pieces not just to an exit but to a power source to open an exit. Perhaps add the requirement that multiple levels would need to be connected to power sources to open up a gated level.
  • Levels being larger than a 3x3 grid, or made up of multiple 3x3 grids, each with their own requirements.
  • Toxic tiles that would require a power up to interact with without losing health or whatever.
  • Levels that need to be completed within X amount of turns otherwise health is lost.
  • Levels that contain tile pieces that disappear after X interactions in the level.

I just think adding mechanics that take pipe connecting to another level. I completely get the zen/relaxation mind set of just connecting pipes, but it seems to lack a little challenge and I think having the game being winnable/losable based on player interaction and the ability to solve more intricate puzzles would be rather unique.