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At the very start I thought I was at a loading screen, took me a while before I realized I had to click the paper plane. Thematically the game is nice. Gameplay was very difficult but without feeling challenging. Only finished the first level by luck. More work needs to be done to make this easier, for example make the eraser invulnerable while erasing. Lastly I never understood the "drag eraser to stop" part.

Thank you.

Yes I should added some simple levels or a training stage but I couldn't due to lack of time.

And regarding the "drag to stop" it means that if you draw a path for the eraser and change your mind you can drag the eraser to start a new path and stop the old one (here is a short clip illustrating that):


Oh now I see, this changes things, because I was helplessly watching my eraser get shot almost every single time.