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(1 edit)

Finally just finished 0.21, and I just have to say... this game doesn't end until I marry Sun.  You understand that, right? >:|  Haha, I've enjoyed the ride so far; Maddie is amazing, Fiona is amazing, Yvonne is amazing, Sun is even MORE amazing, Lucy is quite possibly the greatest "roommate"/girlfriend/wife in existence, and the others are pretty cool, too.  Definitely looking forward to more of Billie.  

My only real complaint is that I'd like more options for what to do with my day, specifically to reschedule interactions and have better coverage of my entire extended household.  When the choice is between "Have sex with pretty lady" and "black out for a few hours while watching TV," that... that's not really a meaningful choice.  Useful for excluding Tanya a character, but why the heck would I do that?  If the choice were between "Spend time with Sandra for the 12th f*#$ing time this week," "Call Yvonne for butt stuff," and "Buy sex toys with Mary" then at least those choices would have some real weight.  We wouldn't necessarily have to exclude the non-chosen events, they could continue to pop up as options for the rest of the given week before they expire... and, yeah, I'm sure that is a coding and organizational nightmare.  I'm not really expecting it.  Pointless choice prompts are just a hang-up of mine.

Now let's get Elaine's out of the way so we can work on proposing to Sun-Hwa soon, yes? :P

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