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I downloaded the game but when it launches I cant interact with the game. If someone could help that would be great

If you mean that the game crashes right away, you might be missing the RTP:

If you mean something else, you'll have to be more specific.

The game launches but the screen can not be interacted with

So the music plays, the screen comes up, the menu options comes up and the screen also switches between the two different backgrounds, but when you press, say, enter or the arrow keys, you don't get any response, is that right?

yes that is correct

Mmmh... I never heard of this before. If you press F1 does it bring up the option menu for RPG Maker (If so, you can check the keyboard settings)? Do you have other RPG Maker VX Ace games you could try to see if the problem extends to other games from the same engine? Do you have some "unusual" input devices plugged in (like, tablets, off-brand controllers, etc.)? Which version of windows are you on?

You might also want to check this thread:

Thanks for the help,  I pressed f1 and changed some stuff around and now the game works. Thanks so much

Glad it worked! I wonder what was wrong at first (do you maybe have a less common keyboard layout). Whatever the case, I hope you'll enjoy the game. :)