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So um. I’ve decided to come out about things so uh (TW - Sexual Assault[SA])

I’ve lived in a toxic environment with my family for a while. My brother was… doing things to me which I can’t say(For Years). My mother hated me and manipulated me and beat me. About less then a month ago. My parents divorced and I went with my dad and my alleged “New Mother”. It felt like my family was fixed because my brother also moved out with my mom. But I didn’t know my brother would still visit. He’s took away my v*rginity, more then once. And he’s recently been injured to the point of no return. So I’m left with the trauma, the flashbacks, the wounds, the cuts, and I can’t even have my virginity taken by someone I love in the future. And somehow I still think it’s my FUCKING FAULT… I’ve been having nightmares way to often that it makes me sick. And no one knows. No one knows what my brother did…

poor cabin

I think you should tell a trusted adult about this

I can’t. I don’t trust anyone outside or inside my family. I only trust my bf Bee. And you guys


I wish I could help you

Maybe I can but 

Uh last time I’ve helped someone on here

I kinda gotten in trouble and so did that person

But that person is alright

And as for me

Uh let’s just say the school council won’t leave me alone because on my predicaments I’ve handled 😒

They are so fucking anyoning and they almost got me really grounded 

Oh, that’s okay!


Plus I need the person’s student email to actually help

Oh- that’s fine then


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I don’t trust adults. They’ll take me back to that FUCKING MENTAL HOSPITAL. And I hate it there. +I can’t tell an adult I trust when I don’t have an adult.

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would you like me to violence him? 

I don't have to if you don't want me to

but its on the table... for now 

Thank you Gramps, you always make things better.

aww, well, i try 👍

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I love you grandpa 🥺

i love u too cabin /p
