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Pretty good way to introduce yourself to twine! Couple of spelling/grammar errors here and there (maybe most notably "estradiol", which I gather is spelled with an "a" as the second vowel; also I had no idea what estradiol was, and when I Googled it the first hits suggested that it's "used to treat menopause symptoms", which gave me what I think must be very much the wrong impression about my girlfriend's body).

Have you read any China Miéville?  The tone (world full of casual horror that people just try to get around to get on with their lives) reminded me of his work, especially the short fiction.  In a good way, not as if you were trying to copy it!  If you don't know it already, you might enjoy it.

Yeah in this context it's for transgender HRT.  I'll probably make an update to fix some typos after I've compiled a few of them (the fact that one link in the first passage ends in a period and the other doesn't has been bothering me since I put this live)

As for Miéville I've only read a small portion of Perdido Street Station; I wasn't trying to emulate him specifically but that is sort of the general genre I was going for.

I did get the HRT usage, either by scrolling down a little on the Wikipedia page, or when the girlfriend says that she's invented her gender and doesn't want a new one.  (Which is a great line.)

Miéville can be a slow read (especially PSS); check out Three Moments of an Explosion some time, which is short stories--much more approachable.

Anyway, point is, what you've got here is lovely. :-)