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(1 edit)

Another additional note: there is clearly a huge bug in the function that is supposed to calculate an evasive path around dynamic objects in the way of NPCs, for example the vehicle in the V9beta demo. If you park the jeep on the path of an NPC, he will do crazy things. So if anybody wants to get his/her hands dirty by fixing the issue - you're welcome. The same goes for doors and the inability of NPCs to open them, that should be added too.

Finally, all meshes loaded with LoadAnimMesh (except NPCs) will be parsed recursively and their children and granschildren etc. are written to an "orphan" array that has a fixed size of 100'000, so there is a max of approx. 1000 animated meshes, each one having approx. 100 children. Of course you can alter the source if that is not enough.

Keep in mind I started this 22 years ago, and I kept learning in the mean time, however, the original structure on which the engine is still based isn't ideal as I was new to Blitz3D and new to 3D at all. But personally I think, if you just watch the output of the engine and ignore all the beginner code, it's pretty decent.

Just one more thing I forgot: In case there are any userlib calls in the sourcecode that your compiler doesn't know, you'll find all my userlibs in the zip here: