Edit: I figured it out in GameMaker: create new sprite and open it, image menu will show up on toolbar. Click it and use import strip image. For the premade characters, the config is 56 frames per row, 32 width, 64 height, and number of frames based on the animation being imported. Use vertical cell offset to import the next set of animation frames.
I don't know how Godot handles sprite imports, so the other method I know is using Krita split image feature, it's much faster as you can do the entire sheet at once, however I was having issues with it cutting tips off the bread in trolley and bed posts.
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Thanks for the prompt reply! Sorry, I don't quite follow. I tried using Krita Image Split to break up the sheet but the free sheet does not follow a grid structure. Is there a tutorial online you would recommend? I checked the docu and couldn't find any vids on it. Moreover, some sprites are connected in the sheet so when I tried online cutters they don't cut correctly. The Image Split does not cut it into separate png images too so not sure how I am to use them in my game. Sorry if I sound stupid just new to this and confused. I tried researching plenty but found nothing. Any further help is appreciated, thank you!
Sounds like you're trying to split the sorter images, I don't think limezu made those for splitting they're just as directory to find where is what. The actual images are all individual already in their respective folders, however the generic ones don't have a folder of their own so they're scattered about the other folders, which is a nightmare to find something specific I ended up hacking out the one I wanted from the sorter. I used gamemaker's tool to do that and just messed with the settings until it was accurate.
Maybe try just cropping the rest of the image out and make sure the sprite you want is accurately positioned in a 64 x 96 png
I really hope he makes a separate folder for the generic ones it takes so much time trying to find any because they're not named and you don't know where they are :(