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Hmm, I usually only add powers when they also have a lewd purpose. Something like that would more likely be something you can learn to transform into during the game, rather than something you start out with!

IDK indivi, the guy mentioned vines and my dirty brain immediately went to tentacle fetishes. Maybe vines allows you to control them, fire makes your hands/private parts feel extra warm and more stimulating, ice allows to freeze opponents which should be straight forward(they're frozen do whatever you want) Earth and water would be harder to figure things out for. Maybe Earth you last longer(don't release as fast as normal, but still eventually do), and water allows you to remain cool even with high levels of lust(Extremely Aroused --> Aroused --> Normal) so basically can still fight even when highly aroused(downside to this is relationships become harder, because it's harder for you to get aroused).

Some interesting ideas! I'll consider them