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Deleted 1 year ago

Yes it is my game.

Few of my friends and me already played it. Everyone got to the end without any problem. I am sorry that you ecountered a bug like this. It is my first game and I am new to proggraming. I am learning it for only 4 months now and this is my first project. 

I really tried my best.


When it says "RUN" you have to run away from the monster! It spawns infront of you. Try running back!

Deleted 2 years ago

I didn't tell you that you are stupid and how to evaluate my game. I just gave you a hint because I thought you didn't know what to do.


Maybe next time make a better game. Meanwhile, I will go read alphabet, as you think I can't read and I do hope, your day is as pleasant as you are.


It was very pleasant. Thank you.


bro i am so sorry you had to deal with this, this guy is a complete idiot and needs to get a life and has no idea how to play games. Your game was great and i enjoyed playing it and making a video doing so. I urge you to continue making games and doing what you like!


Thank you very much! You are awesome!


of course! <3