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I enjoyed playing Listen a lot and it is a great puzzleScript games with well-ordered problems and levels. Each level presents a different difficulty and I found myself being much more different after the final level compared to the level 1. The core rule of Listen is to put the crosses into the right places. It may sound simple, but with the constraints of the walls and spaces, players have to figure out a unique way to move them in the right places and it can take a few rounds of trials before we can find a correct solution. Even though the crosses are the core elements, there are supplementary requirements, which is that players have to also turn the blue and red squares into the green squares by steeping over them. However, red squares are a little bit different since it cannot turn green unless the crosses pass them and they turn into blue. All of the constraints make players to think about their decisions carefully and plan their moves ahead of time.

The first level is the introductory level and it aims to allow players to get familiar with the game mechanics and its rule. When I first played the level one, I was confused about what all the blue squares are used for and it will turn green and blue back and forth when I move back and forth. When I put the cross into the right place, nothing happened. So I then tried to turn all the squares into green and I successfully moved to the second level. The second level is the level that the red level is first introduced to players and I thought I can move to the next level without doing something about it in the first place. Then after the necessary procedures, I still cannot move to the next level. This is the time that I realized that the red square actually means something but I cannot just change its color just by stepping over it. Then I tried to move the cross above it and it indeed changed to blue. However, doing so will inevitably change the green squares back to blue, so I moved back and forth a few times to finally succeed and made to the level 3. The strategy for level 3 is to first move the two crosses into the right places first, use the left one to turn all the red squares into blue, put the final cross into the right position, and turn all the blue boxes into green. For the next several levels, the general dominant strategy is this: I first used the crosses to turn all the red squares into blue without making them placed into the dead corner, since I cannot move them around in this way. Then I put the crosses into the right position, and turn all squares to green. However, in the step for turning boxes into green, I may move the crosses slightly away from the right position due to the limitation of the space and walls.