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I just looked and I can't find it either, actually :P Something to add to my to-do list!

But for now, here's a list of all the Quirks that are unlockable right now, to the best of my memory, and how to unlock them:


Chloe     > Original, Bimbo
-- Both are unlocked during the ORGANISATION storyline

Gwen     > Damaged
-- Do not do naughty things with Gwen until you get a certain nighttime scene...

Jessica   > Auntie, Adultress
-- "Auntie" = choose to call her "Aunt Jessica" at a certain point in her storyline
-- "Adultress" = choose to have sex with her in front of Tom at a certain point in the ORGANISATION storyline

Pixie       > Cocksleeve, Schooled
-- "Cocksleeve" = at a certain point in Pixie's storyline you can make her big. When the power starts failing, let it.
-- "Schooled" = buy the college, then teach a class of Fey characters

Qarinah > Dreamgirl
-- "Dreamgirl" = Get Qarinah to level 4 love, then have the dream where the Beast comes for you


Hope that helps! :)


Thanks for the info, that will definitely help later down the line. A little less then I expected are actually achievable out of the 30+ but that just means we have more to look forward to in future updates. Just by the titles of a few of them already got me excited about future updates lol. Keep up the good work.