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(1 edit)

I finally got to listen to this front to back. Every time I started I got interrupted, so I've heard some of the tracks like 5 times lol. My favorites are: Spring Lowlands, it makes me feel like a child again. I really like your use of instruments here, it's charming and comforting. It makes me feel like exploring a town at my own pace, taking in the little moments, talking to each of the town's folk, and finding all the secret treasure in the corners. Barren lowlands is also another stand out track to me, I really feel the emptiness of the scene you set up here. Revitalization is so comforting. I feel cozy! And lastly Summer's Plateau, this track makes me smile so freaking big. I can feel the sun scatter across my face and smell the breeze. I am so impressed with the amount of time and effort you put into sculpting this world. Also, glad I came across someone else who used the Erhu, so good! Absolutely killed it. Well done.