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That was what I've missed on the 10-15, days that I was absent?

Now I understood the need of holy water lmao

(But was fun to read a VN scene outside a VN 😂)

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Ask Jash then, who the hell even came up with that? I can't even finish up 1 reply and he's already done like a whole ass essay... LOL

His imagination must be a wild 1.

lmaooo indeed!

I think he should write his own VN tho 😂 

The description was very vivid

Next time when your favorite character's route doesn't match what you're looking for, just ask Jash to rewrite the fantasy. 

I'm sure it will be a hit that you'd saved all the texts for future masturbation. 🤣

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You just condemned a guy in a pleasurable loop HAHA

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Can't argue with that! HAHAHA

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Shhh, I cannot be labelled pure and lewd at the same time HAHAHA

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Gotta say man, gotta admit that those segments got me steamy hot for a moment...

Glad, I don't drink right now!!! My Horny drunk ass can't handle the Horny trap sometimes. I'm going to roll along... 😏

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nah... You know already when I'm dead drunk, my hand feels nothing at all.

I always seek outside for some assistance.. eh ``slurp slurp` click click, clap clap.... ~•|÷~÷|π√~÷ = 💧🙊

Poor James... 

this is getting interesting lol

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I'll be using it as... Matérial.... At night tho lol

I thought you would use it for educational purposes... LOL

psychology of Sexuality? Sure! Exactly for that!

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That's great tho... My good in writing is numbers... 1+1=2... Blah blah blah... That stupid numbers makes my brain hurt sometimes, but it's a part of Daily work, so no complain on that..haha

Awww yeah you're a Dominant you can be wild.

Too bad I'm a Dominant also + I'm not into kinky stuff... So imma pass on that.

But hey, we can cuddle!

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come here let me give u something...

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Don't mind me... 

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