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Thanks for the feedback.

The most common thing I have heard about the patch is that floatrons are too rare and that firepower units are also hard to come by. From a game design perspective, I would agree. It doesn't make sense that the two items that enable you to progress further are given to you by luck of the die.

Therefore, I am working on putting a little more consistency in this next update. Floatrons will always be sold at shops(at least one). That should make going to shops very worthwhile if you need some floatrons. It might be a little out of the way sometimes, but at least you will know its there.

As for firepower units, the basic ones will be a consistent drop from enemy bosses. 

With regards to energy, it seems you have gotten your hands on everything to make it, but nothing to use it. It's usually the other way around for me. But anyways, you will later get some energy weapons that will require energy in battle. 

Viewing the stats of items would be a good addition. It won't be an immediate feature addition, but it will make it into the game eventually.

Thanks for taking the time to give some really helpful feedback. I'm just about done finishing with the next update(v1.13). It should be coming out in the next couple of hours.