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No need for honorifics, just Arcaia

I guess Jash influenced you a lot...

Yeah he kinda influenced me a bit... 

Sureee, "a bit"

You comfortable tho?

yeah I am

That's good that's good... You have your profound bravery now

Maybe I'll be seeing you teasing Jash in the future, who know? heh~~~

nah man he's immune to teasing even if I did he will strike back.. 

Anyway I'm gonna watch a video or something see ya bro.... 

Maybe, but everyone have that weak spot so good luck finding that

Aite, imma head to sleep

Jaa ne~

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You did... 

And today im taking the Anti-Horny Tabs

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I hope and I will be immune with your teasing HAHAHAAA

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yeah your right but I ain't giving up now

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Hmph I will try my best to overcome this!