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Awesome game. Really, really well done. I loved the focus on puzzle design and exploration as opposed to fighting; speaking of, the puzzles were incredibly clever, and very satisfying to try and work out. The one criticism I have is that the perspective really, REALLY does not work in the game's favor. I constantly found myself accidentally running off ledges, or pushing the wrong object off a cliff just because I was positioned just slightly off, even though it may have appeared that I was positioned correctly. It was bad enough that the final puzzle felt like I was being trolled, because of how precise you needed to be. I feel like if the player had a slightly bigger base of support (meaning they could get a little further out on a ledge without falling off) then this would be a non-issue. That said though, I honestly had a great time with this, and I'll absolutely be coming back. It's just too clever, and too well made not to.