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Little bit of politics :) Actually, this is a game I could completely imagine playing in 1983 or so; escape the enemy, collect the tokens. It's nicely implemented for what it is, and I like the "Bad Don" frame around it. However, when you (inevitably) run into "Don" (who is very recognisably drawn given the few pixels there are to work with) and get the "we're doomed" screen, there doesn't seem to be a way to restart? One has to reset the Pico console. Maybe this is some subtle message (after all, when you've destroyed the environment and are doomed, you can't undo it or start over) but it's on balance more annoying than it should be :-)


Thanks for your feedback! You are correct. I chose to have no restart option for that very reason. Totally understand that it is frustrating to try again, and while I apologize for that, I think it gets the point across. I wanted to get some text in there saying something like "no replays, there's only one planet", but couldn't fit it in with 64 pixels :P