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This is a really lovely game, I think. Okay maybe 'lovely' isn't exactly the right word but I enjoyed it a lot. I was expecting the battle system to be more frightening than it was, but in reality, I was a lot more uncomfortable avoiding battles than I was facing them... life lesson perhaps? When you try to conserve ammo/avoid fights, all you can do is pray you don't run into anything, but when you face them down, a cool head and a steady hand will win every time, complete with that incredibly satisfying flash of red. If I can take down invisible demons without missing a shot, I can certainly quit a job~

Besides that, the game was more trans than I expected (always a good thing) and the, like, monologue bit at the end was frank and open in a way that definitely struck a chord with me.

My only complaint with the game is that I think I got a little too confident and skipped some parts to swing right for the endgame, but then, I can go back and find everything another time, and I suppose allowing me to exit on my own isn't really a bad thing.

Keep on making great things, LOVE!