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(1 edit)

This is a well done game with a LOT of potential and I enjoyed the sound design and theme. It's well done and the platforming is very satisfying to get through.
I've been on the final stage of the final boss for a couple hours now and I have to say that there's one very important aspect of game design that I've come to realize. RNG should not get in the way of the player's sense of progression. The platforming didn't really suffer from this, as most of the time, you learn from your mistakes and can adjust your response. I've come close to beating the final boss like 2 or 3 times (within the last 10000) and I haven't felt like I've *learned* anything the more I play. At this point, it doesn't feel like I need to get better, it feels like I'm waiting for the attacks to not trap me in a corner (with the random laser angles and random bullet direction.)

When I finally beat it, it's going to feel like the game finally let me win, and not like I beat it fair and square through betterment of myself. Just something to think about.

Overall, super well done. Huge VVVVV vibes. 4.8/5