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im playing on broswer but i cant use f12 and two of my eggs are gone what do i do?

Can you let me know what led up to the eggs disappearing? BTW, you can also use ctrl+shift+i (or cmd+shift+i on a mac) to open the browser console.

also having this problem. typed in window.localStorage.removeItem('bunbons') in the console and nothing happened. the eggs just disappeared on their own with no provocation. 

I'll take a look this weekend. I'll also add a way to reset the game without the console command!

Also, when you place more than one egg in storage, all but 1 disappear when you attempt to place them.

I figured out the issue - it happens moving eggs in and out of the inventory. Uploading a fixed version now! You can reset your game state by using the console command resetState() or; in the game itself, typing a tilde ("~") to open debug mode, "r" to reset, and "~" to close the debug mode again.