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I didn't realise for quite a while that the "hand" icon actually _is_ a hand, so I couldn't do anything. Once I'd worked that out, it helped. I don't understand the gramophone, though; I can put records on it, but then interacting with it just takes them back off again. The game kinda illustrates ennui and loss through actually making the player experience them, which is a technique I can't decide whether I like or not. The graphics for the rooms are nicely implemented; objects not quite so much (I had no idea the records _were_ records until I worked out I could put them on the gramophone, and the dog is... kinda representative of a dog. But when you've only got 15 pixels or so that's probably the best that's doable!)


I found a bug, why there is no sound. I can only make a build for the desktop.

I just added the desktop, just in case, try it.

I can confirm that the gramophone now plays sounds in the Linux desktop build. :)