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Hi rahulsharmav99!

Thank you so much for trying out the demo. Although it does support keyboard and mouse play, it's really meant to be played in VR, so there isn't really supposed to be much 'moving beyond the doors'. :D

After you select a gender, try pointing your hand at the door. It should show up with a glowing line that indicates you can go there. Then pull the trigger to 'teleport' through.

Great feedback that it's confusing, through. I'll be sure to put in an explicit icon that lets you know you can move there by pointing at it.

Even when you get past that, though, just know the game is still very VERY rough. (As mentioned in the game's description, these are very early test builds I'm putting up, but I wanted to get into the habit of posting stuff for patrons to experiment with.)

If you are interested in contributing, please join in on our discussion on Discord! We are also slowly getting the Patreon up and running, though that'll need:

All our various Deviant Tech links are here: