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Oh wow, I really appreciate the dedication to finding all of it! That's amazing!!! As far as the one in TWFTW, one of my players said they found it in the earlier versions but it wasn't there after the update, which is weirding me out since I don't remember messing with it at all but I'm going to take a look and fix it, I promise XD It used to be in one of the drawers of that desk in room 8, so you probably looked in the right place and it's totally not your fault it's gone! Would you like to wait until I patch it to see for yourself, or would you like me to tell you what was in it right now? And once again, thank you for looking so thoroughly through my games, I really appreciate it! There's so much of the experience that people miss out on by rushing through, but if I forced players to see everything then that would take the discovery out of it.