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Wow, that was a wonderful experience! I can't believe that you guys created such a elaborate experience in just shy of one week, color me impressed. Things that really stood out to me were the oustanding art, the fact that each room was hand-pixel-painted to have it's own look and feel, and the really good dynamic sound design + music (great use of FMOD on this one, I loved that the audio changed based on the environment I was in, or the things I was looking at!) The puzzles were well designed, not too hard, but very satisfying to solve, and the ending warmed my heart. You clearly put a lot of love into this little game, and you should be really proud! Happy holidays!


thank you so much for the kind words and feedback! We had a great time bringing this story to life, and yes FMOD was an awesome tool to learn and implement it pull off those dynamic sounds scene to scene. Definitely happy with the final product and tons of lessons to take forward into future games!