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Not entirely sure if this is the proper place to write this, but fuck it, its a great game and I havent seen many thanks in the comments.

It can be a little cheezy at times, but hey, its a porn game, ya get what ya ask for out of it. Some of the storylines were especially amazing and I did actually enjoy the overall universe (although inconsistant at times). 

And yes, I am fully aware of how much of a creep I must seem writing this little review (or whatever the hell this is), but I really did enjoy this game and hope to see much more content in the future!

I've been following this game since, i think v0.6, so possibly not that long, however I thouroughly enjoyed the first time i played, and after a while I noticed that I wasnt even horny anymore, I was just legitimately engrossed in the story and the writing, which rarely ever happens when I play games like these, lol.

If i had any notes storyline-wise, it would be, P L E A S E , add some more Irene content, she gives me surprisingly protective mommy-domme vibes, heck I'll write it myself! Just holy canolie she made me feel smol when she was super protective after the scene with Mina.

All in all, despite a few graphical errors and bugs I've experienced in my playthroughs, the story is excellent, the charactors dont (ALLWAYS) feel forced and overly-cheezy, and THERES A CAT. THAT SURFS.

Major props to the devs!



You'll write it yourself, eh? 

We do indeed have open submissions and sometimes buy scripts;