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Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed what we made! Some of our shortcuts were due to the time constraints of the competition which meant making most of the game within only a month. We have added a few things since then (such as unique bad ends for each wrong choice) but yeah backgrounds being this combo of photo and watercolor definitely helped us have the ability to have this many.

As for a happier ending for Harold (and Faraday too) we really hope to tell more stories with them and to hopefully give both of them a longer arc to resolve some of their current issues. The hope would be if this ever becomes successful enough to pay the bills, we want to do about 4 or so more "chapters" that explore more of the world and give Hawley and Harold a chance at growing and healing. But for now that stuff is kinda outside our reach until we have more firm footing moneywise. But I certainly won't say never!

Thanks very much for your kind enthusiasm and I'm pretty sure we'll make more games in the future, though what they might be I can't be sure yet :D