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Hey there, no problem - you make some good points as well and I am honestly just trying to provide feedback, not trying to hate. Like I said, I do think this game has a lot of potential- just needs some tweaks to avoid frustration and keep people playing

- I get what you're saying about upgrades in theory, but it seems like the penalty for upgrading here (once you get to the point where running each business takes hours) is way too drastic. When you go from making a few K per second to a few hundred per second, even with a bunch of workers, it feels like a mistake; like you lost progress. The active / idle strategies should at least be comparable here, and I don't see how you can make back the amount you're losing when you upgrade, regardless of playstyle. idk maybe that's dependent on the skill tree perks?

- And you're 100% right about the game not having to "say" anything. I understand that devs doesn't owe us any kind of philosophical message when they make a game- It just seems like a wasted opportunity, especially when the game is so inherently linked to an economic system like capitalism. Games like Universal Paperclips (which I strongly recommend if anyone hasn't played) and even Cookie Clicker make good use of this. I can't really speak to Idle Oil Tycoon because I haven't played, but I would be incredibly surprised if the developers of that game had no political ideas in mind when they were developing it- I mean come on, the Oil Industry is what has driven US foreign policy for the last 50 years at least.

Anyway, thanks for replying- you definitely encouraged me to think out my initial reactions to the game. I'd probably update my score to a 4.5 or 5 with your points in mind. Definitely looking forward to revisiting this game again after the next update to see what the changes are like. 

Have a good one dude!