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Haha yeah the hind leg of the cricket always bothered me as well (my bad). I will definitely tweak the animation after the voting has closed. Funnily enough, the cricket animation was one of the first things we did, following which map traversal became our primary obstacle to overcome. It's so cool to hear you enjoyed our interpretation of the theme. We knew we wouldn't be able to create a very complex game with only one programmer (Sinisterstuf), so we wanted to at least address the theme on multiple levels, since it was so broad. Were you able to complete the game?

Haha, I can only survive until when i see those flowers and then i drop in the pool lol


Yeah, Thesryn called me a sadist when he saw  that last level for the first time. I can't even get past it consistently and I designed the thing! So don't feel bad. I'll continue trying to balance the level so that its tough but not impossible