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Hi! We will try to deploy a version for Linux, but some action may have to be taken on the player's side to make it work on their system. At least that is what our testers who own a Linux computer tell us about the Linux build.

Thanks for your reply) Looking forward for the release

I just tried the Linux demo and i had to update the NW.js for it to work. This means that the NW.js for Linux in your RPG Maker Engine is outdated. It would be great if you updated it so that us Linux users don’t need to do the extra steps of updating it ourselves.

For any Linux end-users trying to get this to work:

  1. Go here and download the Stable Linux 64-bit NORMAL.
  2. Extract it somewhere meaningful to you (this will become your game directory).
  3. Copy or symlink nw.pak, package.json, and the www directory into the new extracted nwjs folder from step 2.
  4. Rename nw to Game so that you remember what to run, and then run Game to start the game.