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(1 edit) (+3)

tbh as much as I love this game and xevvy, i cant say i disagree with you. The longer this route went on, the less I feel connected with Tai. I just feel like the Tai and Adrian relationship is far from concrete since too many things happened at once (break ups, Apollo, Jay and Glenn, Logan, a bunch of sex and the blackmail this update) to the point that I question if they truly love each other. I hope there would be more boyfriend time for Tai and Adrian but as it seems Logan is getting thrown into the mix. I agree with u when saying that this felt very messy and the twists and turns of this vn is nothing short of... adventurous. 

To whoever reading this: This is just the opinion of one guy and whatever u feel is completely valid so u don't have to agree with me at all

(1 edit)

Even though i usually like these kinds of things i do see youre point and agree. I think FBTW is somewhat an opposite example where the community has been begging for a scene with ranok and vulgor and all the other hot wolfmen daddy's (IM CRINGING CALLING THEM DADDY'S). But i honestly like the game the way its going ranok feels a lot more genuine even more so than Amicus from adastra which i liked amicus a lot but im starting to like ranok a lot quicker than i expected. I think after next update  which im  100% there will be a thresome they should really stop and make tai feel more genuine of a character. Still im not complaining but i do see your point of view