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Ok honestly, what the actual f*** happened to Tai’s route.

It seemed normal at first and nothing was too crazy so I thought it would be well written and consistent like Diego’s route.

However, then Tai and Adrian break up (Twice!!). These break ups turn the story into a whiny soap opera mess and create too many low points that even I just wanted their relationship to end. Then, Adrian has sex with a random guy. The story tries to use lore and world building as an excuse for this and the breakups. 

There are way too many plot threads that it gets to a point where the “Tai romance” route becomes the “Spencer world building, Dom+Russell+Axel romance counseling, Jay’s trauma and BS with Tai romance on the side” route.

If that wasn’t bad enough, half-way through “Gentleman” Tai begins to not give a crap about anyone’s sexual privacy, reveals he’s been banging Lukas for awhile, and openly talks about wanting to see another man’s junk right in front of Adrian. 

Tai becomes basically unrecognizable, to the point where he wants a damn threesome in the newest update.

It’s a shame. With Diego’s route this vn became one of my favorites because of how well written and honest it felt. Tai’s route took all that goodwill and threw it in the shredder for the sake of CW level nonsense and drama.

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tbh as much as I love this game and xevvy, i cant say i disagree with you. The longer this route went on, the less I feel connected with Tai. I just feel like the Tai and Adrian relationship is far from concrete since too many things happened at once (break ups, Apollo, Jay and Glenn, Logan, a bunch of sex and the blackmail this update) to the point that I question if they truly love each other. I hope there would be more boyfriend time for Tai and Adrian but as it seems Logan is getting thrown into the mix. I agree with u when saying that this felt very messy and the twists and turns of this vn is nothing short of... adventurous. 

To whoever reading this: This is just the opinion of one guy and whatever u feel is completely valid so u don't have to agree with me at all

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Even though i usually like these kinds of things i do see youre point and agree. I think FBTW is somewhat an opposite example where the community has been begging for a scene with ranok and vulgor and all the other hot wolfmen daddy's (IM CRINGING CALLING THEM DADDY'S). But i honestly like the game the way its going ranok feels a lot more genuine even more so than Amicus from adastra which i liked amicus a lot but im starting to like ranok a lot quicker than i expected. I think after next update  which im  100% there will be a thresome they should really stop and make tai feel more genuine of a character. Still im not complaining but i do see your point of view

Deleted 2 years ago