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When I install raylib 4.0 with tcc, I get raylib 2.0-dev instead.

I verified the file and it's actually raylib 4.0, how did you notice it was raylib 2.0-dev?

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It says so in the logging when I start up my game plus TextFormat and mp3 files were suddenly unsupported (I upgraded from 3.0).

I wanted to upgrade, because I made a small game that is basically done, but I suddenly noticed that the game crashes, when I play a sound that is loaded as number 11 or above (I have tried switching around and removing sounds). I recall it working before, but I must be wrong.

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I don't know where could be the problem. Did you had a previous raylib version installed? I recommend you remove previous raylib version and try installing it again. Idouble verified the TCC installer and it is raylib 4.0, it installs the library and it compiles the examples as expected with raylib 4.0. You can also join raylib Discord and ask there, in case anyone has found a similar issue.

I now have tried to remove the old installation before installing the new. The same has happened, but honestly, I would rather use another compiler, so I can debug and get better error messages. It was just the first install option that would actually work for me.
