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(2 edits) (+1)

Was fun to play! I really like the main character's development throughout the game. Also, Farabutto was a really fun character!

However, something that I will say is that when you check the history, the background makes it really hard to read the previous text. A lot of the transitions were aæ bit too long for my liking, making replaying even with skipping a bit longer than it maybe should have been. But that's just my personal take. But it's a shame that the skipping also skips over new dialogue and narration, making it possible to accidentally skip new content.

A final thing that I will say is that I think the game could really have benefitted from having an editor or proofreading due to there seeming to be a lot of issues with narration/dialogue. But I was still able to understand and enjoy the story, so I think that is something that can be looked past.

But, all in all:

Had fun playing!

Props to everyone on the team! Amazing character and background illustrations too! The music also really helps set the mood.


Thank you so much for playing and most of all for finding the time to leave this comment!

It was our very first Visual Novel - and our very first videogame in general - and we had very little time to work on it, so maybe most of these things can be fixed in time - or we can learn how to do them for the next game! I'll make a list ith your suggestions and see what our fabulous team can do!
(I hope we will create something else in the future because I honestly had fun creating this)

Thank you for playing! You having fun is the thing that matters the most to me! ♡(˶╹̆ ▿╹̆˵)و✧♡

No problem! It was fun trying to find all the endings. But I think I was unable to find the true/secret ending, but got the other 6 endings.

th secret ending was added by the developer without me being aware of that - so it was a secret for me too XD
When you have to choose between staying or going out, look on the screen for other spots to click on,

The true ending:
-max Farabutto approval but then choose to go to Utopia club


Oooooh. Will try that later! Thanks!