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I have given Jullian a fate worse than death, just because I could and its funny.

On a serious note, the game still skips the subjugation scene for Jullian despite you saying it'll be fixed a patch ago, hope you can get it fixed, thank youuu!



I just ran through the game to double-check! I think that might be a save compatibility issue-- you might be using a save where you tamed the rogue from a version where that bug was still a thing, so it'll still cause problems! I can come up with a fix, but it'll probably be a hot minute-- I'd recommend just restarting! Apologies for the inconvenience!

(1 edit) (+1)

Understandable, I was thinking of restarting anyways after more updates come out, but that makes sense, thank you for responding so quickly man! Keep up the amazing work!

it didn't skip for me, got the footjob path there i think, can we permanently own the rubber suit or just the costume?

Honestly if you (reader) didn't name Julian something silly in that scene then you do simply not possess a soul