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Cheers back to you,
Those battlers mentioned were original monsters not based on TF monsters.  Partly because I had some items to throw in and partly because I was still targeting the "50" number and needed some fillers.  Jason has made a few monster sprites from my guys in the past (because he is an awesome guy), but I don't know that we'll see those listed come to life.  Never hurts to ask (or commission him).  I think most of the battlers are from only two of his packs (TF Monsters and TF Mythical Monsters), I didn't realize it at the time, but Mythical Monsters is a Patron exclusive, but I really liked the characters in it and wanted to draw them.  And I may have snuck in a few that match monsters he created on Patron.  When I get some time, I think you're right it's worth making sure the description is as accurate as possible.  Thanks.

Thank you! That's really helpful! I've just put a request up on Jason's monthly request patron thread explaining it. Would be so cool to see more collaborations between you both! I've got Octopot in one sci-fi game that I'm working on, who is my favourite, and loads of these battlers in a fantasy one, so any further ways to expand these worlds would be superb.