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This is such a beautiful, creative format! I have never seen anything like it, but this is brilliant.

I am not one to journal much, maybe because I don't experience many different things in my monotone, rigid life. But this? This is akin to experiencing the ball itself. With just a little music,  a notebook and a pen, my imagination has been stirred enough to transport me to a new world. 

The prompts are crafted with just enough detail to allow for additions, but they aren't so vague that I find myself lost. That balance cannot be easy to achieve!

Overall, this has been an excellent experience, and given me something to experience and enjoy while stuck in a loop I cannot get out of. Spectacular!

Thank you so, so much for such a wonderful comment!

Finding a balance where there is intrigue and excitement in each experience but plenty of space to imagine details was exactly what I was hoping to achieve and I'm so glad that you've enjoyed the experience of the game!