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I loved it so much.

I wasn't able to go through the Genocide route in Undertale -I was feeling sooo guilty when I tried, I swear It's so difficult for me to be mean in games XD -but somehow I did it for your game, I was too damn curious. I did a True love -> Secret ending -> True LOVE -> True love ( =) ) run. And it was so good.

I mean, yeah I may have possibly been on the verge of crying a little in the end of the second True love Run, who knows, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY PROOF OKAY.
It hit hard, guiltiness was all over my kokoro and it's exactly why you have done a wonderful job !

Thank you for making this game, I'm sure everybody who played it can tell how much passion you put into it <3

PS : I was wondering how much time it took you to make it ?
Also I'm sorry if I made any mistakes with my english ~

Thank you for playing and for commenting!  And don't be sorry!  Your English is perfect!  Also, I won't tell anyone if you almost cried with True love =)  It makes me happy to know you felt the emotions I had while making it.

And I'm so happy you could sense the passion I poured into it.  It took me 2 years to make this visual novel!  :)