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Ah, I understand :) Maybe I should avoid using the skip button too much for this reason. And well, I booted up the game again after I had to close it as the issue didn't seem to resolve after around an hour or so of the game being open. >.< 

It does seem that they saved the art from the bad ends I had completed, and they are in the gallery. However,  the last save file is from the start of the mage route before I finished all the ends. I had already gotten the good ending in each route and was revisiting them to get all the bad ends. I finished collecting them in the student, mage, and princess route. I'm not sure if this means that my progress was saved or not, but it's definitely not saved in the save files. :/ 

And nope, it hasn't ruined my experience with the game; it just reminds me that I should make more saves so in case something like this happens. I won't have to backtrack as much. Thank you got your response. ^ ^


Yeah, it really sucks because the whole point of having a skip button is to help save time, but if it breaks the game, it's kind of a pointless function >.<

The way Tyranobuilder works by default is that all images like CGs, once viewed, will unlock in the gallery even if the game isn't saved, so that's why those are still there. It's so that you can start a new game and stuff without losing any gallery progress :3 

But yeah, the endings that you got won't have saved like the CGs have >.< because they're tied to the save files instead. So for example, if you were to go back through one of the routes and just go for the good ending, the game won't recognise that you got any of the bad endings for unlocking the ??? route before the game froze >.< It'll only count the ones from your last save, unfortunately :( So you'll have the CGs, but not the actual bad ending points that count towards unlocking the route. 

That makes it even harder to know which ones you've got and which ones you haven't >.< There is a loophole that I left in the game though for getting easy bad ends if you need to exploit that for unlocking the ??? route without actually having to go through all of the bad endings again :3 

I'm still sorry you've experienced such an annoying problem with the game anyhow >.<